Thursday, August 6, 2009

Small Changes Creates Big Results - Habitual Behavior

Today I was watching an amazing video of Anthony Robbins ( ) in which he discusses the importance of creating tiny changes and how it could bring about huge results within your life. The reason why I am posting is because I have realized this fact and have started creating those changes within me, even though I haven't received Huge Results but I can feel being on that path towards those results....

Most of us always want to create massive changes within our lives, thinking that it will bring about massive results in a shorter period of time. The problem that occurs with that is massive changes creates a very uncomfortable situation within our mind and body and thus they are not able to adjust with them and go back to the old position, so changes are not able to last long.

However, if we consider the importance of small changes. First of all we wouldn't be putting ourselves in an uncomfortable situation and plus it will be easier for our mental and physical state to accept it and thus will be much easier to make it a habit. One positive new habit will help us to create extraordinary changes in the long term. For example:- If you start reading 10 pages every day of an information/self help/motivation related book. You will be looking at reading nearly 1 book a month and around 12 books in a year. If you continue this habit for more than 3-4 weeks it becomes a habit and in the next 5 years you would have read over 60 books. Just imagine the extraordinary changes that you would be able to make through the knowledge and wisdom of 60 books in 5 years, just by investing 15-20 minutes of your time every day.

You can also use Neuro-Associative Conditioning method which I have discussed previously in one of my posts to help you prepare your mind to be hungry for those 15-20 minutes of reading every day......

Robin Sharma says, " 5 Years are going to past anyway, why not live your life World Class"...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Adding Value to Life...

Great ideas often come to us when we dont expect them; today i was washing up some dishes and I realized something extremely important about life. Weird huh? True. What I realized is that if we truly able to understand the meaning of the phrase 'adding value' there are a lot of areas within our life which could be improved.

The reason for a human being's existence is to be able to add value to either his/her own life or someone else's. A person who does not add value to either is considered dead or non-existent.

Now start analyzing this, from the time we get up in the morning to the time we sleep at night. If we are able to create value either in our life or someone else's life wouldnt our life become much more valuable?

Everyone in this world is looking for value, the infant gives value to parents through the happiness that they parents get while a CEO gets value out of employees from the effective work they perform.

The next time someone questions you or you question yourself about life, think of what and how much value are you providing for yourself and people around you.

Create a list of things that you could do in a day to add value to both yourself and others...Things will change and your life will take a completely new turn once you start realizing the importance of adding value in life..!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Entitlement Mentality...

The book by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, "Why We Want You to be Rich" is a great read for people who would like to change their mindset about money and how they could get into the rich category over time.

There is something very interesting that is mentioned by Donald Trump when he talks about the entitlement mentality. He says that a lot of people mentioning specifically the USA have developed a mentality that they are entitled for a good life and the government/company is responsible for securing their future. This mentality has led people into a very big disaster and has contributed a great deal to the current economic situation.

If you think about this is applicable not only in terms of wealth but it is equally important in every aspect of life. If anyone starts over expecting something, he/she goes into a big disappointment when the expectation is not fulfilled and thus undergoes a chain of problems only because he has trained his mind to receive something which was unrealistic.

The point of wisdom really is that as an individual the more you expect the greater would be your disappointment but once you understand the concept that everything that you need has to be earned by you through education, working harder or any other way.

Higher Expectations leads to Greater Disappointment in Life....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Living Inside-Out

Today, I will be talking about something which has been talked about for a while now and many different speakers and authors have mentioned this issue in form or the another. The idea basically is to live your life inside-out and now outside-in.

This simply means to find your purpose and happiness in life from inside and not through external factors. The reason is that external factors are temporary while internal is permenant. Many people are still under the confusion that if they get more money, better car, amazing spouse or something extrordinary on the outside they will be happy in life. It is sad to say that this is not true. No matter how much you can find external things to satisfy youself you as a person will never be able to live a worldclass life unless there is satisfaction at heart.

This thing might sound cliche as of now but we as human beings need to be reminded to such things on a daily basis because we are living in an enviornment which is full of distractions and being able to live an inside-out life is something very difficult and thus only those who can do will be able to live a very successful life.

I meet with people on a daily basis who are trying to organize their whole career, their whole life on an external factor, like money, parents, fame etc. This is something which cannot be stressed more then anything else in this life. Start thinking from inside-out and see how you can make amazing changes within your life in a matter of minutes...Give it a Shot...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Who Made Newspaper The Morning Thing?

I dont read newspaper at all, rarely used to read it a couple of months back but havent read it for the past couple of weeks since I have understood something very important about this bunch of papers with ink that people love to go through in the morning.

If you ask Why? This is the reason. Newspaper is an area in which the negative events and news are highlighted and not so much as the positive ones. Do you really believe that one of the first things in the morning you want to put within your brain is, " Is World Going Towards a Depression?", " Auto Sales is going down over all of the region", " Recession has made people homeless". How do you think your day would be if the very first things that you read are those that will make you mentally weaker and feared.

Morning is a time when the sub-concious brain is more receptive than the concious brain. Anything that you do or experience would be with you for the whole day. Do you think at such a critical point is it better to read how companies are falling? or a great book which could tell you how to take the company to the next level in recession? Think about it...

There is even a greater possibility that all of this is a set-up so that an average man gets the negativity in the morning so he/she does not dare to take risks during the day, those risks which could help the person get to the next level. This could all be part of a master plan as well....Think about it...

I would suggest organizing your morning with great books of inspiration and meditation so that you are so motivated in the morning that no creature on this planet could even dare to say that you cant do anything. It is a time to raise yourself to a new level of creativity and mental awareness....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Taking 100% Responsibility of Your Actions....

This idea may seem easy to understand but is one of the most diffcult things to implement within your life. Taking 100% responsibility of your life means putting an end to blaming, being accountable and responsible for each and every thing that happens in your life.

The reason why this is important is because if you take responsibility of something, you have the power to change it. However, if the blame game is being played there is nothing much you can do since for every thing the excuse would be that "this thing/person needs to be changed".

This thought has a very profound meaning if taken the time out to think about it. Imagine yourself holding the globe in your hand as "your world", as an indiviual we have now the power to create the world that we live in, customize it as we want it to be and not like someone else would want it.

It may take some time but when a person starts taking personal responsibility for each and everything that happens to him/her that is when personal transformation beging and that is when you can decide the world that you want to live in and not the one that has been created by others around you....

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tested Your Luck?

Yesterday I watched the Indian movie LUCK, I did not have high expectations from the movie since it was a last minute decision to watch this one. The movie did really surprise me with some insightful thoughts which created the theme of the movie and something which could very well be applied to our real lives.

The idea was, how would you know you have luck unless and until you test it. Now this is something contrary to what the belief of most of the people are. Most of us say that we are not lucky if we do minimum effort and stop, but have we ever considered the fact that if we take action on something with full determination and belief we might
be able to change our luck or be able to test it to its fullest extent.

It is also extremely hard to determine whether you are unlucky or not, why is that? Since the failures that you could be having on a day to day basis could actually turn out to be the luck favoring you to reach to a bigger objective which may be totally unknown to you today.

Another thought related to this was that, Luck works with them who aspire to win. This thought reflects what we have understood from the Law of Attraction which is that if you have the aspiration to win and the mindset to achieve, your luck may as well change and start favoring you.

The practical aspect that we can take out of these thoughts are that if we are able to organize our lives in such a way that we take greater risks in life, we will be able to test our luck more. If we have the ultimate desire to win, luck will favor us and if it did not today, it will tomorrow because there would be a bigger goal waiting for you at the next stop.

' Lucky are those who aspire to win '