Thursday, August 6, 2009

Small Changes Creates Big Results - Habitual Behavior

Today I was watching an amazing video of Anthony Robbins ( ) in which he discusses the importance of creating tiny changes and how it could bring about huge results within your life. The reason why I am posting is because I have realized this fact and have started creating those changes within me, even though I haven't received Huge Results but I can feel being on that path towards those results....

Most of us always want to create massive changes within our lives, thinking that it will bring about massive results in a shorter period of time. The problem that occurs with that is massive changes creates a very uncomfortable situation within our mind and body and thus they are not able to adjust with them and go back to the old position, so changes are not able to last long.

However, if we consider the importance of small changes. First of all we wouldn't be putting ourselves in an uncomfortable situation and plus it will be easier for our mental and physical state to accept it and thus will be much easier to make it a habit. One positive new habit will help us to create extraordinary changes in the long term. For example:- If you start reading 10 pages every day of an information/self help/motivation related book. You will be looking at reading nearly 1 book a month and around 12 books in a year. If you continue this habit for more than 3-4 weeks it becomes a habit and in the next 5 years you would have read over 60 books. Just imagine the extraordinary changes that you would be able to make through the knowledge and wisdom of 60 books in 5 years, just by investing 15-20 minutes of your time every day.

You can also use Neuro-Associative Conditioning method which I have discussed previously in one of my posts to help you prepare your mind to be hungry for those 15-20 minutes of reading every day......

Robin Sharma says, " 5 Years are going to past anyway, why not live your life World Class"...


Anonymous said...

That is so true, we rather waste our time when from the inside we perfectly know we are very much capable of utilising the same time and benefit ppl or at least ouselves. Reading articles of any kind of your interest or even the sidebars of newpapers can do wonders towards an individual's knowledge.

Verve Verse said...

So, basically it's all about consistency. The fact that smaller actions/changes are easier to remain consistent with makes one win the race till the end. Just like the tortoise guy in the good old story.

P.s. the hadeeth where Rasul Allah (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: The acts most pleasing to Allah are those which are done continuously, even if they are small.