Saturday, August 1, 2009

Adding Value to Life...

Great ideas often come to us when we dont expect them; today i was washing up some dishes and I realized something extremely important about life. Weird huh? True. What I realized is that if we truly able to understand the meaning of the phrase 'adding value' there are a lot of areas within our life which could be improved.

The reason for a human being's existence is to be able to add value to either his/her own life or someone else's. A person who does not add value to either is considered dead or non-existent.

Now start analyzing this, from the time we get up in the morning to the time we sleep at night. If we are able to create value either in our life or someone else's life wouldnt our life become much more valuable?

Everyone in this world is looking for value, the infant gives value to parents through the happiness that they parents get while a CEO gets value out of employees from the effective work they perform.

The next time someone questions you or you question yourself about life, think of what and how much value are you providing for yourself and people around you.

Create a list of things that you could do in a day to add value to both yourself and others...Things will change and your life will take a completely new turn once you start realizing the importance of adding value in life..!!

1 comment:

TehBoogieMonsterMan said...

Random acts of kindness, in short :]

Great post!