Friday, July 31, 2009

Entitlement Mentality...

The book by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, "Why We Want You to be Rich" is a great read for people who would like to change their mindset about money and how they could get into the rich category over time.

There is something very interesting that is mentioned by Donald Trump when he talks about the entitlement mentality. He says that a lot of people mentioning specifically the USA have developed a mentality that they are entitled for a good life and the government/company is responsible for securing their future. This mentality has led people into a very big disaster and has contributed a great deal to the current economic situation.

If you think about this is applicable not only in terms of wealth but it is equally important in every aspect of life. If anyone starts over expecting something, he/she goes into a big disappointment when the expectation is not fulfilled and thus undergoes a chain of problems only because he has trained his mind to receive something which was unrealistic.

The point of wisdom really is that as an individual the more you expect the greater would be your disappointment but once you understand the concept that everything that you need has to be earned by you through education, working harder or any other way.

Higher Expectations leads to Greater Disappointment in Life....

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